HFN 2 - Food & Nutrition

Welcome to Grade 10 Food and Nutrition

Unit 3 Test Review  Click Here

What might be some of the reasons for the data you see above?  What impact does this have on the Canadian economy?  If Canadian are not spending more money on food, what are they spending it on?

There are 6 areas of agriculture in Canada.  Above you will see the distribution pie chart. How is this related to the types of foods we eat in abundance in Canada?

Types of Vegetarians and Associated Health Concerns

Why do people become Vegetarian?

Nutrient FAQ'S - click here

Nutrient Table

Student created notes about Nutrients - Missing Vitamins and Minerals

Why eat breakfast

Canada Food Guide Exploration - October 3, 2014

Recipe Assignment - September 16, 2014 

Semester 1 - 2014 Pillars of Food Safety

Body Image - Constructing a Healthy Image Presentation

Family Food Heritage Scrapbook - Click Here 

Do you need help doing APA Citations?  Click Here

Do you know where your food comes from?  Click on the video above.

How can we feed 9 Billion People - Click on the Video Above for Some Ideas

What's wrong with our Food System - Ideas from an 11 year old!

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